The rain stopped soon after the fair started, the fair was well-attended overall, and I had some fabulous customers and positive feedback on my things. The best-selling items were, #1: Pick-Up-and-Go Blankets, and #2: Teensy Cases. In the end, I only sold about 10% of the inventory I'd made (I was aiming for 50%) but I was glad to cover my booth fee. I sensed that most people came to the fair for the promotional freebies and free entertainment - as I plan to bring Caden back to as an audience in future years! And now, if I do decide to do another holiday fair, I have my set up all figured out. I finally completed a design I've had in my head for awhile: this denim 'jeans pocket' display for my Teensy Pocket Cases. I strung it in the frame from an antique kids' chalkboard, that we mounted to the wall out of the frame.
And Matt made up this awesome display board for my iron-on letter appliques (these were also a popular seller) from scraps found in our basement!
Now I have more inventory than I ever have! So I feel prepared for the holiday season and can put my feet up (and work on some other projects) for a bit, all while slowly getting all of the items photographed and posted on Etsy.