Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy New Year (reprise, in February)

Yes, it's February, and I am just now getting around to checking in with last year's resolutions and putting this year's down in blogdom...but first, here's a wish list I put together with my fave items for spring...

I am obsessed with tights and big earrings...and so far, I have held myself back from purchasing any of either! Several of these items are on Etsy; see my favorites for sellers.

Now, onto...

2008 New Year’s Resolutions (in black = done, red = not done)

1. sleep 7 hrs/night - check (usually)

2. improve my posture
3. do a pull up
4. read a paper a day - i'm going with 'check' here, even though my list only contains ~75, I reviewed hundreds of papers for a review I'm writing
5. submit 2 papers - check (as long as you count co-authored)
6. analyze and review all existing thesis data

7. give a guest class lecture - check (and I only did this because it was a resolution!)
8. take Caden backpacking - nope, despite our best intentions! we had to cancel plans for illness...and ended up just car camping this year
9. go camping in the northeast - check (2 nights at Rangeley Lake in Maine)
10. update Caden’s baby book - some, but still lots more to do!!
11. make a pdf pattern for my lunch bags - check (and I've sold about 100 copies now!)

12. make a play mat - not done yet
13. make Caden’s Christmas stocking
14. make improvements on the house - check (new roof, baby!)
15. call someone once a week - check, weighted by several calls/week since Nov, when my dad broke his leg

2009 New Year's Resolutions

(I've decided 15 resolutions is excessive and am narrowing it down to 10 this year...)

1. Make Caden's Xmas stocking
2. Submit 3 (first-author) papers
3. Do a pull-up
4. Write a short story
5. Pay off VISA's
6. Build up savings for a 'rainy day'
7. Shift sleep schedule from 1-8 am to 12-7 am
8. Improve my posture
9. Go camping at least 3 times
10. 'Use what I have' for all Cascade Lemonade crafting (thrift and vintage purchases ok)

Anyone have resolutions they'd like to put down in writing in the comments? I'll check back with you next year and make sure you're accountable! ;)